(248) 382-8382 | 9750 Milford Rd. Holly, MI 48442
  • Camp & Environmental

Out-of-School-Time Programs

Helping Youth Thrive In and Out of School

Camp Fire Out-of-School-Time programs provide youth with so much more than simply a place to go before and after school while parents work. When Camp Fire partners with your school, students have the opportunity to work with trained, caring adults who can help them with their school work, teach them about health and wellness, keep them active, engage them in community service projects, or provide mentoring regarding challenges youth face today. Our programs are uniquely focused to help youth thrive.

Afterschool Programs

We may call them “afterschool” programs, but in most cases, Camp Fire partners with communities and schools to deliver after school programs and community programs Our programs are uniquely structured to support a youth’s education and help them become leaders in their daily lives.
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Camp Fire Club Programs

Camp Fire Southeast Michigan offers a traditional club program. These programs pair a trainedleader with a group of youth who work on Camp Fire curricula and programs during the out-of-school-time hours. In addition, Camp Fire Clubs typically go on field trips, undertake service projects and do a variety of activities. Here’s a handy chart about Discovery recognition, Starflight recognition, and Adventure recognition!
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