(248) 382-8382 | 9750 Milford Rd. Holly, MI 48442

Camp Fire’s Traditional Summer Camp with a Twist

Camp Fire Southeast Michigan provides a traditional summer residential camp with swimming, boating, archery and many other outdoor activities. We also integrate our national Wise Kids and InterAction programs which focus on outdoor activities, making good choices and problem solving skills.

The camp experience provides youth the opportunity for role playing, skill building and team activities.

Sessions offered:  No Sessions Available for Summer 2016

The cost for the one week session is $495 and the cost for the two week session is $995. The fee includes all meals and activities with no other hidden costs.

Camp Glen Echo is located just three miles south of Holly, Michigan at 9750 Milford Road, Holly, MI 48442

Need more information? Contact us today and we will answer your questions.